Anime/Manga - Diabolik Lovers

Diabolik Lovers is an Anime by Zexsc and first got released in 2013. Diabolik Lovers has 2 season to it called:

~ Diabolik Lovers (12 episodes)

~ Diabolik Lovers More,Blood (12 episodes) 

There is also a Japnese recap called:

~ Diabolik Lovers Recap (1 episode)

The OVA is called:

~ Diabolik Lovers OVA (1 episode)

The 2 manga series:

~ Diabolik Lovers Anthology (DIABOLIK LOVERS アンソロジー) (1 Volume)

~ Diabolik Lovers: Prequel  (1 Volume)

The games released:

~ Diabolik Lovers 

~ Diabolik Lovers: Limited V Edition
~ Diabolik Lovers: Grand Edition
~ Diabloik Lovers: Lost Eden
~ Diabolik Lovers: More Blood Limited V Edition 
~ Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate
~ Diabolik Lovers: Vandead Carnival
~ Diabolik Lovers: Lunatic Parade 

Anddd I think that's it if not please tell me! ^^ Anyway damn that's alot! Moving on.

Yui Komori is told by her father that he is off on a business trip, so she is going to stay in the Sakamaki Mansion but she doesn't know that they are all vampires. There are 6 brothers Shuu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito and Subaru. Yui was curious why her father would send her here and why to 6 vampires, did he want her dead?? Yui is what someone will called a 'sacrificial bride'. Yui has tried to escape many times but it's never worked because well they are vampires duh! Will she escape I don't know watch the anime!! 

Image result for yui komoriName: Yui Komori (小森 ユイ)
Race: Human
Age: 17
Birthday: June 21st
Zodiac: Gemini
School Grade: 2nd year
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 45 kg

Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Pink 
Blood Type: O
Relatives: Seiji Komori (Adoptive Father)

Yui Komori was a normal human girl until her father sends her to a vampire filled house. During Diabolik Lovers Yui figures she has Cordelia's heart aka the mother of the triplets (Ayato,Kananto and Laito). So Yui technically isn't human but then again you will never know until you watch/play/read Diabolik Lovers.

Image result for sakamaki shuName: Shuu Sakamaki (逆巻 シュウ)
Race: Vampire
Birthday: October 18th
Zodiac: Libra
Age: 19
School Grade: 3rd year
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Blood Type: AB
Favourite Food: Rare Steak
Disliked Food: He hates anything too sweet
Hobby: Violin, Listening to music
Mother: Beatrix
Relatives: Reiji (brother), Ayato (half brother), Kanato (half brother), Laito (half brother), Subaru (half brother), Ritcher (uncle), 
Karlheinz (father), Beatrix (mother), Cordelia (step mum), Christa (step mum)

Shuu Sakamaki is the eldest brother of the Sakamaki household. Shuu is currently the master or the king of the household you could say. Shuu and Reiji are both sons of Beatrix who is the second wife of Karlheinz (their father and the vampire king).

Shuu is very lazy and doesn't care about anything other than music. He could care less about anything because of what has happened in his past. 

Since Shuu is the oldest son he should be looking after his younger brothers and the house, but he doesn't take responsibility he mostly just lets Reiji do all of that stuff.

Name: Reiji Sakamaki 
(逆巻 レイジ)
Race: Vampire
Birthday: August 29
Zodiac: Virgo

Age: 18
School Grade: 3rd year
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 67 kg

Hair Color: Dark Purple/Black
Eye Color: Red
Blood Type: O
Favorite Food: Spaghetti Carbonara 

Disliked Food: Nothing in particular
Hobby: Collecting Tableware
Mother: Beatrix

Relatives: Shuu (brother), Ayato (half brother), Kanato (half brother), Laito (half brother), Subaru (half brother), Ritcher (uncle), Karlheinz (father), Beatrix (mother), Cordelia (step mum), Christa (step mum)

Reiji Sakamki is the second oldest son of the household. He is brothers with Shuu ad the son of Beatrix.

Reiji is very strict and butler like. He looks after his brothers and the house while his brother (Shuu) that should be doing that, just slacks off and lets him do all of that. 

Reiji is very jealous of Shuu because he is the oldest son and gets to be king but that he gets all the attention even though he slacks off all the time. Reiji is usually very kind but he insults Yui, but he is a sadist vampire so it makes sense.

Name: Ayato Sakamaki (逆巻 アヤト)
Race: Vampire
Birthday: March 22
Zodiac: Aries
Age: 17
School Grade: 2nd year
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 62 kg

Hair Color: Reddish Brown
Eye Color: Green
Blood Type: O
Favorite Food: Takoyaki 

Disliked Food: Green Peppers
Hobby: Basketball
Mother: Cordelia

Relatives: Shuu ( half brother),Reiji (half brother), Kanato (brother), Laito ( brother), Subaru (half brother), Ritcher (uncle), Karlheinz (father), Beatrix (step mum), Cordelia (mother), Christa (step mum)

Ayato Sakamaki is the 3rd oldest and the first son of the triplets (Ayato, Kanato, Laito). Ayato is the son of Cordelia.

Ayato is very playful and a prankster. He always says is number 1 in everything. He calls Yui 'pancake' in reference to her chest which is flat. He want everyone to call him 'Ore-sama' but I think 'Oreo-sama' is better.

Name: Kanato Sakamaki (逆巻 カナト)
Race: Vampire
Birthday: March 21
Zodiac: Aries
Age: 17
School Grade: 2nd year
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Hair Color: Light Purple
Eye Color: Light Purple
Blood Type: O
Favorite Food: Anything Sweet
Disliked Food: Spicy Foods
Hobby: Collecting Dolls
Mother: Cordelia
Relatives: Shuu ( half brother),Reiji (half brother), Ayato (brother), Laito ( brother), Subaru (half brother), Ritcher (uncle), Karlheinz (father), Beatrix (step mum), Cordelia (mother), Christa (step mum)

Kanato Sakamaki is the 4th son of Karlheinz and the middle son of the triplets(Ayato, Kanato, Laito). Kanto is the son of Cordelia.

Kanato is a yandere type of person. To many people Kanato is mentally unstable. Kanato is very child like and if you do something wrong he will burst into tears and start screaming, and then he will all of a sudden become normal. He will often tell you that you are stupid.

Kanato is nice but he can become a handful sometimes.

Name: Laito Sakamaki (逆巻 ライト)
Race: Vampire
Birthday: March 20
Zodiac: Pisces 
Age: 17
School grade: 2nd grade
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Hair Color: Reddish Born
Eye Color: Green
Blood Type: O
Favorite Food: Macaroon
Disliked Food: Raw Fish
Hobby: Crossword Puzzles
Mother: Cordelia
Relatives: Shuu ( half brother),Reiji (half brother), Ayato (brother), Kanato ( brother), Subaru (half brother), Ritcher (uncle), Karlheinz (father), Beatrix (step mum), Cordelia (mother), Christa (step mum)

Laito Sakamaki is the 5th child of Karlheinz and the youngest triplet (Ayato,Kanato,Laito). Laito is the son of Cordelia.

Laito is a pervert and a sadistic vampire and like Kanato is a bit insane and crazy. He is quite rude and calls Yui 'little bitch' or 'bitch-chan'.

Name: Subaru Sakamaki (逆巻 スバル)
Race: Vampire
Birthday: November 4
Zodiac: Scorpio
Age: 16
School Grade: 1st year
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Hair Color:
Eye Color: Red
Blood Type: A
Favorite Food: Nothing in particular 
Disliked Food: Garlic
Hobby: Nothing in particular
Mother: Christa
Relatives: Shuu ( half brother),Reiji (half brother), Ayato ( half brother), Laito (half brother), Kanato ( half brother), Ritcher (uncle), Karlheinz (father), Beatrix (step mum), Cordelia (step mum), Christa (mother)

Subaru Sakamaki is the 6th child of Karlheinz and the youngest of the household. Subaru is the son of Christa.

Suabru is the tough delinquent type. Suabru is violent and loves damaging things mostly the walls though. He's also a sadistic vampire but he can be occasionally sweet. 

Subaru doesn't get along with any of his brothers I mean he harms walls how can he get along with anyone!! 
(Don't hate me Subaru! I love you!!! XD)

Yui gets Kidnapped by the Mukami's and she needs to find 'Adam' since she is 'Eve'. Will she escape or will she be forced to stay with the Mukami's and find her 'Adam'. You will never know until you watch the the second season of Diabolik Lovers More, Blood!!!!

Name: Ruki Mukami (無神 ルキ)

Race: Vampire
Age: 18
Birthday April 24
Zodiac: Taurus 
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Food: Soup
Disliked Food: Strong flavored foods or drinks
Hobby: Puzzles
Relatives: Kou (adoptive brother), Yuma (adoptive brother), Azusa (adoptive brother)

Ruki Mukami is the eldest son of the Mukami household. To people he is known as the 'brain' of the household. Ruki is like Reiji some people would say he is responsible and is a sadist vampire. Ruki isn't a table wear freak but he is quite fond of books. He makes sure his brothers are okay and the household is stable.

Name: Kou Mukami (無神 コウ)
Race: Vampire
Age: 17
Birthday: January 28
Zodiac: Aquarius 
School Grade: 2nd year
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue (left eye), Red (right eye)
Blood Type: B
Favorite Food: Vongole Bianco
Disliked Food: Nothing in particular
Hobby: Dancing 
Relatives: Ruki (adoptive brother), Yuma (adoptive brother), Azusa (adoptive brother)

Kou Mukami is the second eldest of the Mukami household. In the human world Kou is a very popular idol. Kou maybe have a pretty face and seem kind, but he is very selfish and two faced. Kou is a sadistic vampire and he uses is handsome face to his advantage.

Name: Yuuma Mukami (無神 ユーマ)
Race: Vampire
Age: 17
Birthday: July 23
Zodiac: Leo
School Grade: 2nd year
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Blood Type: O
Favorite Food: Sugar Cubes
Disliked Food: Curry
Hobby: Vegetable Gardening
Relatives: Ruki (adoptive brother), Kou (adoptive brother), Azusa (adoptive brother)

Yuuma Mukami was formerly known as 'Edgar'. Yuuma is the 3rd oldest of the Mukami household. Yuuma is known to be rebellious and throw many rampages, but he falls asleep because he gets bored. He is rather perverted and hot tempered.

Yuuma is usually found munching on sugar cubes.

Name: Azusa Mukami (無神 アズサ)
Race: Vampire
Age: 17
Birthday October 18
Zodiac: Scorpio
School Grade: 2nd year
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Blood Type: A
Favorite Food: Shichimi Togarashi
Disliked Food: Green Peepers
Hobby: Polishing his knife collection
Relatives: Ruki (adoptive brother), Kou (adoptive brother), Yuma (adoptive brother)

Azusa Mukami is the fourth and the youngest son of the Mukami household. Azusa is a clingy and faint hearted vampire he is also an extreme sadist and extreme masochist. Since Azusa like pain he will even go as far as to harm himself. Even if Azusa's speech and attitude are timid he will always do what his heart wants.

Diabolik Lovers is a great anime and extremely entertaining. There is many hidden treasures in the anime and the manga and even in the games!! Diabolik Lovers is a reverse harem which means that there is a female surrounded by males particularly. I highly reccomend Diabolik Lovers to my fellow fan girls and guys I mean if you want you can check it out but I doubt you will like it I mean you might. 

Rating - 5/5 Highly Recommend 


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